Payless Mini Split: All Aboard Us!

Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Greetings to all those, from far and wide, who have navigated the wide web for too long, only to find themselves here at We’re so glad you made it. We have been waiting for you. Now, allow us to take you to a place where temperature regulation is as nice and breezy as the fresh air that surrounds you right now. We’re ready whenever you are!
But, first, a little bit about us!
For over twelve years, we have prided ourselves in being a leading air conditioning brand for our community and beyond. Indeed, when it comes to the field of environmental control systems, nobody does it quite like us. We are the supreme suppliers. That would, in turn, make you the supreme clientele. Consider us the perfect match!
Based in Miami, Florida, we offer a diverse array of household appliances; however, while this array is quite diverse (diversity, after all, is one of the greatest sources of strength in the world), it is far from arbitrary. We are not some lame cover band out here mucking up the works of your favorite 70s and 80s tunes. We are the real deal; we aim to make the air that you breathe every day hum with clarity!
This is because, were we to veer too far from this arena and venture deep into the mystic, we would lose sight of what we’re about – which is, ultimately, loyalty. Loyalty to the customer, first and foremost. Loyalty to the environment. Loyalty to the overall HVAC profession. And, of course, loyalty to ourselves – the less things we have cluttering our minds, after all, the better able we are to preserve our sanity.
This, naturally, means that we are able to provide more comprehensive and higher-quality service to you, the customer. It is a very mutually beneficial principle on which to lay the foundation of our brand, which is why we have selected it for such a purpose. Loyalty, as they say, is royalty.
Furthermore, our commitment to maintaining a focused structure when it comes to our products not only gives us the opportunity to offer the largest variety of air conditioning-related appliances; it also gives our customers the convenience of browsing a selection that meets THEIR needs specifically.
Here at Payless Mini-Split, we like to abide by the following motto: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
– Single-zone ductless mini-split air conditioning units
– Multi-zone ductless mini-split air conditioning units
– Various accessories related to ductless mini-split air conditioning units
– Tennis balls (just kidding)
Ah, to discover ductless mini-split AC units for the first time again! Alas, we are glad to share our passion and experience for them with you now.
Anywho, let’s get you acquainted: ductless mini-split air conditioning units are a powerful alternative to the traditional air conditioning unit, rapidly rising in popularity among today’s homeowners. Unlike traditional heating and cooling units, with their vast networks of clunky ductwork that often take up more space than most people can afford to part with (especially in this economy), ductless mini-splits instead use single fans and evaporating units in order to distribute hot and cold air (though not at the same time; typically, you would pick one or the other based on whether you’re sweating or shivering) throughout your home.
These individual units also allow you to better control the temperature in each room of your home; after all, some like it cold and some like it hot (and then, of course, there’s Goldilocks). Furthermore, whereas with a traditional air conditioning unit you would have to keep it running throughout the whole house (since it’s all ultimately part of one single unit), with ductless mini-splits you can simply turn it off in rooms you aren’t using, conserving a substantial amount of energy (as well as shaving a little bit of change due off your electric bill).
In addition to saving you a ton of room, energy, and money, to boot, the lack of ducts in this system reduces the risk of leaks. This more traditional setup would allow air to escape and potentially even pollutants to invade, infecting your whole pad. On top of all this, ductless mini split systems are far more energy efficient than the vast majority of
those old ducted systems.
So what are you waiting for? Go ductless today!
I forgot to mention the best part: all orders are shipped free of charge. Let me repeat: there is free shipping on every order. One more time, for the folks at home: not a penny paid on a single order. We promise.
There we go. Third time’s the charm.
Welcome aboard, new friend!