Save The Planet (And Some Money While You’re At It)

As we all know, we have a planet to keep healthy. Right now, it is struggling under the weight of our filth and excess. The saddest part of it all is that nobody really seems to care; even if they claim that they do, they won’t actually take any concrete steps towards doing something about it. Everybody loves to point the finger at anyone who isn’t the person they have to look at while flossing their teeth at night.
Guess what? We do care! And we are happy to show you not only why you should care too, but how you can show that you care.
What Can I Do, Really?
The most common excuse people trot out for their lack of action is their lack of funds. To fight the destruction of our environment, they point out, you need to spend a whole lot of money. This, of course, is true to an extent – after all, the fossil fuel industry spends exorbitant amounts of money to keep itself thriving and to convince people that they should be dependent upon it if they want to enjoy comfortable, modern living.
That being said, what if I told you that there was a way to simultaneously help save the world AND not only save money, but earn a little bit for your pocketbook as well?
Well guess what? There is!
Indeed, the U.S. government (as well as many local utility companies) offers a number of monetary incentives, from rebates to tax credits, to anyone who purchases energy efficient mini split units.
The good news for you is that, here at Payless Mini-Split, every single one of our mini split units is energy efficient. As an Energy Star Partner, we take pride in the fact that we have never once wavered in our steadfast commitment to preserving the environment – after all, without a planet, what good is air conditioning anyways? We have stayed true to this principle for more than two decades. In fact, our units are AHRI and Energy Star Certified.
Below are some of our top-of-the-line products that could just so happen to make you some serious money:
-Blue Series III
-Blizzard Series
-Everest Series
-Multisplit Series
-Multiplus Series
To learn more about whether or not your household mini split units qualify you for some free money, head on over to these websites:
Keep fighting the good fight. We’re counting on you! It will totally be worth it in the end–for you, the planet, AND your wallet.