What’s my size?

When trying to find the right size for your ductless mini split air conditioner, it can feel a bit tricky at first, but it’s really all about matching the cooling (or heating) power to the space you want to treat. Here are some common questions people ask when sizing their system:

1. How do I know what size mini split I need?

Mini split AC sizes are measured in BTUs (British Thermal Units). The higher the BTU number, the more space it can cool or heat. To figure out how many BTUs you need, think about the size of your room or space. Here’s a general guideline:

  • Up to 300 sq. ft.: 9,000 BTUs
  • 300 – 500 sq. ft.: 12,000 BTUs
  • 500 – 750 sq. ft.: 18,000 BTUs
  • 750 – 1,000 sq. ft.: 24,000 BTUs
  • 1,000 – 1,250 sq. ft.: 30,000 BTUs
  • 1,250 – 1,500 sq. ft.: 30,000 BTUs

2. What happens if I choose the wrong size?

  • Too small: If your unit is too small for the space, it’ll struggle to cool or heat efficiently.
    It may run constantly, leading to higher energy bills and possibly wearing out faster.

  • Too large: If the unit is too big, it’ll cool the space quickly, but won’t run long enough to
    remove humidity properly. This can leave the room feeling cool but clammy.

3. Does room type or climate matter?

Yes! Certain rooms, like kitchens or rooms with lots of windows, may need more cooling power. Also, if you live in a hotter or more humid climate, you might need a bit more BTU capacity than normal to stay comfortable.

4. What if I have multiple rooms?

For multiple rooms, you may need a multi-zone mini split system. These systems let you control different areas separately, each with its own indoor unit but powered by one outdoor unit. You’ll need to size each indoor unit based on the size of the room it’s cooling.

5. What factors affect the size I need?

  • Ceiling height: Higher ceilings mean more space and air to cool, so you might need more

  • Insulation: Well-insulated rooms keep cool air in, so you might be able to get by with a
    smaller unit.

  • Sun exposure: Rooms that get a lot of direct sunlight might need extra cooling power.

6. Can I calculate this on my own?

There are online calculators that can help, but it’s often best to get a professional HVAC contractor to do a load calculation. They’ll consider things like your home’s layout, insulation, and climate to make sure you get the perfect size unit.

7. Is bigger always better?

Oversized units lead to inefficient cooling and increased energy use. It’s always better to match the size of your mini split AC to the space, so it runs efficiently and keeps you comfortable year- round.

By considering your room size, usage, and local climate, you can make sure to get a mini split system that’s perfectly sized for your needs! If in doubt, don’t hesitate to contact a professional for personalized advice.

When choosing the size for your ductless mini split air conditioner, it’s important to get one that matches the size of your room, but here’s a tip: it’s often better to go with a slightly larger unit. Most mini splits are inverters, meaning they can adjust their cooling power up or down to fit the needs of the space. For example, a 12,000 BTU unit can often cool 20% more or 20% less when needed, making it flexible for different weather conditions. So, having a larger unit means it won’t struggle when it’s really hot outside or if you have a lot of people in the room. Plus, all mini splits help control humidity, so you can set the perfect humidity level for your comfort! A larger unit can handle all of this without working too hard, keeping your space cool and comfortable.